A really straight forward way to make extra cash is by selling items such as those you no longer need or use. Most people have a lot of stuff lying around their home, whether it’s a few DVD’s, electronic items or old clothes which they have never worn. All of these items can be turned into cash by selling on sites such as eBay, Amazon, Gumtree, or the Facebook Marketplace.
If you don’t have much lying around the home that you want to sale, you can do one of the following:
- Pick up items that people no longer want and are willing to give away for free on sites such as Facebook Marketplace and Gumtree.
- You can look for online shopping websites which sell items cheaper than they sell for on eBay and Amazon then resale them.
- If you want to take it to the next level you can use a directory such as SaleHoo which will give you access to over 8000 wholesalers. This will enable you to source products directly from manufacturers at heavily discounted prices.
- If you are creative you can produce your own items and sell on a site such as Etsy. If you have the ability to repair broken items you can also get items cheap online or at second hand shops, whether it is electronics, vehicles or even just old furniture and then repair it or clean it up then sell on for a profit.
- Alternatively if you don’t want to deal with the packaging and shipping of items you can sell other peoples items on social media or your own website through affiliate marketing or drop shipping.
Extra Cash
You could always do things the other way around and get things cheap online or wholesale imported from China and sell offline at a car boot sale, the market or open a shop on the high street.
Recommended Reading
Thrift Store reselling by Rick Riley
Selling Vintage Items on Etsy by Alissa Grosso
Sites to use
eBay – The worlds largest online auction marketplace.
Gumtree – Sell in your local area.
Amazon – Sell on the Amazon marketplace.
Etsy – Sell customised goods.
SaleHoo – Get access to over 8000 wholesalers.
AliExpress – Order goods directly from manufacturers in China.